Why Janitor ai Showing You Exceeded Your Current Quota? How To Fix The Exceeded Quota Error?

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Leo Ramirez

Why Exceeded Quota Error & How to Fix This

Are you facing the same frustrating issue as I did with JanitorAI? Have you received the error message “You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details”? Don’t worry, I understand the frustration. But here’s some good news—I have a solution for you. Together, we can overcome this limitation and continue using JanitorAI effectively without compromising productivity or incurring excessive costs.

Why janitorai showing You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details?

The Exceeded Quota Error?

The error message “You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details” is displayed when you have surpassed the allocated usage limit or quota set for your JanitorAI account. This message serves as a notification to inform you that you have consumed more resources than what your current plan allows in your Open AI API.

There are a few reasons why this message may appear:

  1. Usage Limit: sets limits on the number of requests or actions you can perform within a specific time frame. If you exceed this limit, you will receive the quota exceeded message.
  2. Plan Restrictions: Different plans have different usage quotas. If you are on a free plan, there might be lower limits compared to paid plans. Upgrading to a higher-tier plan can provide you with more generous quotas.
  3. Billing Issues: It is also possible that there might be a problem with your billing details, such as an expired payment method or insufficient funds. Ensuring your billing information is accurate and up to date is important to prevent interruptions in service.

It’s not Janitor’s fault, OpenAI just requires you to pay to use their API key.

How to Fix this problem?

Check Open AI Account Balance
My Reason was balance expire
  • Check API Usage: Review your API usage and determine if you have exceeded the allocated quota for your plan. You can typically find this information in your OpenAI API account settings or dashboard.
  • Upgrade Plan or Increase Quota: If you consistently exceed your API quota, consider upgrading to a higher-tier plan that offers more usage or requesting a quota increase from OpenAI. Upgraded plans or increased quotas can provide you with additional API resources to avoid hitting the limit.
  • Wait for Quota Reset: If you have hit your quota for the day, you can wait until the quota is reset. Janitor AI typically resets quotas daily, allowing you to continue using the service once the reset occurs.
  • Verify Billing Information: Ensure that your billing details, such as payment method and contact information, are accurate and up to date. This ensures uninterrupted service and avoids any billing-related issues.
  • Contact OpenAI Support: If you have reviewed your plan, quota, and billing details but still face issues, it’s recommended to reach out to OpenAI’s support team. They can provide specific assistance, clarify any concerns, and help you troubleshoot the quota issue.
  • Contact Janitor AI Support: If the issue persists or you need further assistance, reach out to Janitor AI’s support team. They can provide personalized guidance, address any technical issues, and help you troubleshoot the “Exceeded Quota” error.
  • Consider Alternative Solutions: If the quota limitations continue to be a problem, you may want to explore alternative chatbot platforms or APIs that offer higher quotas or different pricing structures that better suit your needs.


In conclusion, Janitor AI is an exciting chatbot platform that brings characters to life through artificial intelligence. To avoid the “Exceeded Quota” error and ensure a seamless experience, consider upgrading your plan to access higher quotas, optimize your chatbot usage to stay within limits, and reach out to Janitor AI’s support for assistance if needed. With these steps, you can make the most of Janitor AI’s features and enjoy uninterrupted interactions with your chatbot characters. Explore the possibilities and let Janitor AI bring your conversations to life!

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